Monday, December 11, 2006

I have a Cabinet!!!

The campaign is in full swing again and I will be looking into making merchandise for myself in the near future. The cabinet members are:

Secretary of State: Donald Duck

Secretary of the Treasury: Tweety Bird

Secretary of Defense: Taz

Attorney General: Pink Panther

Secretary of the Interior: Yogi Bear

Secretary of Agriculture: Bugs Bunny

Secretary of Commerce: Fred Flinstone

Secretary of Labor: Garfield

Secretary of Health and Human Services: Tom+Jerry

Secretary of Homeland Security: Rocky+Bulwinkle

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Snoopy

Secretary of Transportation: George Jetson

Secretary of Energy: Pluto

Secretary of Education: Barney Rubble

Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Daisy Duck

Friday, November 10, 2006

I will win!!!

Thank you for all your help. I will be taking resumes for my cabinet in a little while.

Hi Boys and Girls!

Hi boys and girls (or children at heart)! I am running for President! Here are my declarations.

1) I am running for president in 2008.
2) I will start every State of the Union address with a classic cartoon.
3) I will be running as a write in.
4) I will be running with Goofy as my Running mate.
5) I do look forward to being your President.

Thank You.

I am Mickey Mouse, and I approve this message.